Why Worry Since God is in Control?

“Look at the birds in the air. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, but your heavenly Father feeds them. And you know that you are worth much more than the birds. You cannot add any time to your life by worrying about it.” - Matthew 6:26-27

Why do we worry when God is in control of everything? We worry because we are sinners. It is a sin because we struggle to obey Jesus’ command not to worry. In Matthew 6:25, Jesus commands us “not to worry about our life, what we will eat or drink or about our bodies or what we will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?” Jesus gave us the command so we can put our total trust in God for everything. We can trust God because He is always in control.

Look at the birds, they do not plant or harvest or store food in barns, but God feeds them. We are worth much more than the birds to God (Matthew 6:26). Worrying is also useless. We cannot add any time to our life by worrying about things (Matthew 6:27). If we worry, we are like people who do not know God (Matthew 6:32). Praying, studying the Bible, and talking with a pastor, an elder in the church or a Christian Counselor are some ways we can overcome the sin of worry in our lives.

Prayer of the day:

Dear heavenly Father,

You are in control of everything, yet we still struggle with worry. It is hard not to worry while living in the world with so much poverty and homelessness. Forgive us for not trusting You to provide for us and not obeying Jesus’ commands. Help us to remember what Jesus said about worrying. If we struggle with worry, please provide help for us from a church member or a professional Christian Counselor. We give You all the thanks and praise. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen!