When It Feels Like the Evil Defeats the Good

“I told you these things so that you can have peace in me. In this world you will have trouble but be brave! I have defeated the world.” – John 16:33
When it seems like the world is not safe or secure, we can look to Jesus’ words for comfort. Jesus reminds us that we cannot find security in the world but only in Him. What He did by being obedient and dying on the cross allows us to turn to Him for security. He defeated the stronghold the world and people had on us. It is important to have Jesus since the world will treat Christians as their enemies. Christians will be hated, falsely persecuted, thrown in prison or even tortured.
There is a spiritual battle in the world against God’s people. Jesus reminds us of it. But when we experience it, He has already won the battle over it. People cannot hurt us forever and we are given strength to endure whatever happens to us. The power is given to us by the Holy Spirit. We need power from the Holy Spirit since our fight is not against people but “against the rulers and authorities and the powers of this world’s darkness, against the spiritual powers of evil in the heavenly world (Ephesians 6:12).”
The power of God is bigger than the evil power of Satan. God sent Jesus into the world to die to defeat the power of evil and the one who used to have the control over it—Satan. Christians no longer have to be scared of the news of evil, or what is happening in the world or what will happen to them. God wants us to depend on and turn to Him for comfort and peace. It is done by putting on the full armor of God. With the armor, we are able to stand firm in our fight against the evil tactics of the devil. To learn more about the different pieces of armor that are used in our spiritual fight read The Full Armor of God.
Prayer for today:
Dear heavenly Father,
When this world feels unsecure and dangerous, we pray for Your protection and strength. We do not have enough strength on our own to handle the world especially when people attack us. The attacks are what Jesus warns His followers about. We can be sure that He will not leave us alone without help from the Holy Spirit. Thank you for Him and we want to praise You for Your goodness and mercy. In our Savior's name we pray, Amen!