Our Right to be Children of God

“But to all who did accept Him and believe in Him He gave the right to become children of God.” - John 1:12

What gives us the right to be a child of God? Jesus is the answer. Jesus is the only way to be right with God and to become His child (1 John 5:1). There is no other way. All we have to do is believe that Jesus died for our sins. It is that easy.

We cannot be His child on our own, or by a believing parent, or anything else (Acts 4:12). It is a spiritual rebirth that God does within our hearts. How great is that! The burden or worry that we have to earn our way to heaven by our works is gone because being a child of God is all done by His grace (Ephesians 2:8-9).

There are many wonderful spiritual gifts given to us when become His child. We get to experience a new life in Christ, spend forever in heaven to worship God, and we are repeatedly forgiven (1 John 5:11-12). God even promises to forget our sins (Hebrews 8:12). We are His new creation and are being made Holy every day. God is preparing us for heaven (2 Corinthians 5:17).

All this is possible by God and His son Jesus Christ. Jesus willingly laid down His life so we can be saved (1 John 3:16). There is no greater love than when a person dies for his friends (John 15:13). Jesus did that for all who believe.

Prayer of the day:

Dear heavenly Father,

We have no right to be called Your child without Jesus. Jesus and our faith make us right with You. It is not by any human intervention or our good deeds. We can be Your child by Your grace. There are many benefits to being Your child. We are glad to experience Your unending love, grace, and forgiveness. It is only done by You and Jesus. Thanks be to God! Amen!