Jesus is Born, the Savior of the World

A child has been born to us;
   God has given a son to us.
   He will be responsible for leading the people.
His name will be Wonderful Counselor, Powerful God,
   Father Who Lives Forever, Prince of Peace. - Isaiah 9:6

What great news for Christians, the child that was born is our savior, Jesus Christ! God gave His one and only son to save sinners from eternal punishment. He is the real reason for the season. Christmas is not just about presents, pictures with Santa, and parties, but it is about the birth of the savior of the world. Christmas is the time to commemorate Jesus’ birth and celebrate what God has done for us.

Jesus’ birth was special. He was born from a virgin and was conceived by the Holy Spirit. He was chosen by God to lead His people. His birth fulfills the prophetic words of Isaiah 9:6 in Luke 1:32-33 when the angel Gabriel says, “Great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of King David, his ancestor. He will rule over the people of Jacob forever, and his kingdom will never end.”

Jesus was born in Bethlehem, a town of David. Joseph went there with Mary for the census, and he was from the family of David. While they were there, the time came for Jesus to be born. Mary gave birth to Jesus, wrapped him in cloths, and then placed him in a manger. They stayed in the manger because there were no other places available for them (Luke 2:6-7).

That night God sent an angel to tell the shepherds nearby in the fields about Jesus. The angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I am bringing you good news that will be a great joy to all the people. Today your Savior was born in the town of David. He is Christ, the Lord” (Luke 2:8-12). After the angel left, the shepherds went to Bethlehem to see this thing that happened which the Lord had told them about (Luke 2:15).

The shepherds quickly found Mary and Joseph and Jesus. They told them what the angel had said about Jesus. Everyone was amazed with what the shepherds had said. Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. Then the shepherds went back to their sheep, praising God and thanking Him for everything they had seen and heard. It had been just like the angel had told them (Luke 2:16-20).

We can thank and praise God this Christmas for Jesus like the shepherds did the day He was born.

Prayer of the day:

Dear heavenly Father,

Jesus was born to save sinners like us. We are very grateful to have Jesus as our savior. Jesus is the real reason for the season. Thank you for letting us celebrate Christmas to commemorate His birth. We know it is only by Your power that Jesus was born from a virgin and conceived by the Holy Spirit. You gave Jesus the power to rule over us. We are glad to have Jesus as our savior. Like the shepherds, we will praise and thank You this Christmas season! In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen!