How Big is Your Faith?

How Big is Your Faith?
“Jesus said to the father, ‘You said, “If you can!” All things are possible for the one who believes.’” – Mark 9:23

How big is your faith? In Mark 9:23 Jesus was talking to a man whose son had an evil spirit in him. The boy’s father asked Jesus to heal his son if He could. Jesus replied to the man with “If I can?” This man had a hard time believing in what Jesus could do. He struggled to believe because his son had an evil spirit in him for a long time and no one could heal him, not even Jesus’ followers could (Mark 9:18).

Faith is believing even if we cannot see what God is doing (Hebrews 11:1). It is also believing what God can do in times of doubt. We can learn from the boy’s father when he doubted Jesus could heal his son (Mark 9:24). It is common to doubt what God can do because of our sin, our pride, or believing we can do things by our own power.

When we put our total trust and faith in God’s ability, it helps us not to worry, not to let stress rule our life and to depend on Him for help. We can go to Him with our problems, even in times when we struggle to believe what He can do. God has the power to do things that we cannot. It is by faith that all things are possible for the one who believes that He can.

Prayer of the day:

Dear heavenly Father,

You have the power to help us, even in life when it gets too hard to handle. All things are possible with You and to the one who believes. Help us to believe if our faith is small like a mustard seed. You are patient with us because we are sinners that are in need of Your grace. All honor and glory belong to You. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen!