Finding Joy During Opposition Christians will Encounter from the World

“If you belonged to the world, it would love you as it loves its own. But I have chosen you out of the world, so you don’t belong to it. That is why the world hates you. Remember what I told you: A servant is not greater than his master. If people did wrong to me, they will do wrong to you, too. And if they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours, too.” – John 15:18-20
If a person is really a chosen person of God’s which means they are doing what the Bible says, then the people who are not really God’s people but belong to the world will hate them. Christians will be treated differently. We should not be surprised or disheartened when it happens. Christians who are chosen by God to serve Him are lucky to be treated so harshly especially if they are doing what He says. Christians are treated differently since people only love others who do what they do. They love sin and live it out. Some but not all sinful behavior includes using vile language, stealing, indulging in lustful actions like watching porn, lusting over other people, and wanting to please themselves instead of God.
Christians who encounter opposition from the world and suffer trials can view it as a blessing. They can still be joyful during and after what they will go through. The joy a person feels when faced with opposition due to their faith and who listens to God comes from the Holy Spirit which reminds us that joy comes from knowing what Jesus and God did for them. The apostle Paul understood that joy of suffering for the name of Christ. He stated the importance of it in Colossians 1:24:
“I am happy in my sufferings for you. There are things that Christ must still suffer through his body, the church. I am accepting, in my body, my part of these things that must be suffered.”
Paul understood the sense of fulfillment and even happiness in enduring hardships because they were connected to his devotion to Christ and his mission to spread the gospel. Christians are not alone when it comes to feeling the effects of opposition. We can find joy and comfort knowing that Christians all around the world are experiencing similar challenges.
Prayer of the day:
Dear heavenly Father,
It is not easy to experience opposition from people because rejection is painful. It hurts to be rejected even if it is by the people we love. But Your love can help us get through the pain of rejection and opposition and bring joy in the midst of the pain. The real joy in our pain comes from knowing that we are suffering for standing up for the gospel of Jesus and telling others about Him so they can be saved. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen!