Carrying Each Other’s Burdens Fulfills the Law of Christ

“Carry each other's burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.”- Galatians 6:2
Have you tried to pick up something heavy and carry it on your own? How did it work out for you? Did you hurt your back or pull a muscle? Was it hard to do? Most likely it was a struggle if it was too heavy or big to carry it on your own. That is how God feels when we try to carry heavy burdens of life on our own and without help from Him or from others.
The good news is that God never created us to carry heavy burdens of life on our own. That is why God created a woman for a man. The burdens of life at times can be too much to carry on our own. Luckily for us, God tells us that we do not have to. If we receive help from others, then we are truly fulfilling the law of Christ.
Obeying the law of Christ means that when we help carry each other’s burdens we are really loving one another (John 13:34). We will all experience some type of burden like failures, temptations, and trials. As people in the body of Christ, we need to be there for our fellow Christian brothers and sisters instead of standing off at a distance and criticizing them if they struggle with some type of burden. When we do then we are truly fulfilling the law of Christ.
Prayer of the day:
Dear heavenly Father,
You really care about us, so much so that You command us to help others when life gets too hard. We need help because You created us not to handle life’s problems on our own. You are worthy to be praised because You provide us the gift of help in our time of need. Help us to continue to fulfill the law of Christ by loving our fellow brothers and sisters. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen!