Can People See a Change in You?

In Acts 9, a man named Saul was threatening God’s people by saying that he was going to kill them. If he found followers of Jesus, he would have them arrested, brought back to Jerusalem, and put in jail. In Acts 9:3-4 Saul’s life changed as God converted him from persecuting Christians to becoming one of His followers.
Saul’s conversion happened when he was headed to Damascus in Acts 9:3. As he came near to the city, a bright light from heaven suddenly flashed around him. Saul then fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul! Why are you persecuting me?” It was Jesus talking to him (Acts 9:5).
After his encounter with Jesus, Saul started a special work for God. God chose him to preach the Gospel to those who are not Jews, to kings, and to the people of Israel and had to suffer for God’s name (Acts 9:15-16).
Saul did not have the best reputation after his conversion. Many followers of Jesus feared him including Ananias who had doubts about him after hearing that Saul was persecuting God’s holy people in Jerusalem and had come to Damascus to do the same thing (Acts 9:13-14).
Saul tried to join a group of followers in Acts 9:26 but all were still afraid of him because they did not really believe he was now one of Jesus’ followers.
Have you ever had the same experience as Saul? Do people in your life have a hard time trusting you because of something you have done in the past? It is not too late to change. Saul, also known as the apostle Paul, changed from doing evil to doing good. Paul did what pleased God and did what God told him to do. Paul traveled to many cities during his ministry spreading the good news of Jesus, started churches, and suffered many troubles.
After fourteen years of ministry, people started to trust Paul. They saw he had changed (Galatians 2:9). Can people see a change in you?
Prayer of the day:
Dear heavenly Father,
You are known for changing people’s lives. We see it in the life of the apostle Paul. You helped him to be a faithful follower even though he was known for hurting others. Please help us change our lives and let others see us in a new light because we all have fallen short of Your glory. And are in need of Your grace. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen!