Becoming a Fisherman for Christ

“Jesus said, ‘Come follow me, and I will make you fish for people.’” - Matthew 4:19

In Matthew 4:19 Jesus calls Peter and Andrew to become fishermen for people. This is not the first time Jesus called them, the first time was in John 1:35-42 when He called them to salvation and now is calling them to serve Him. He promises to make them fishermen for people. Is Jesus calling you to be a fisher for people? That involves sharing the Gospel about Jesus and asking people if they want to receive Him as their Savior.

Being a fisherman or woman is not an easy job, it is an art that involves patience because there are often long and lonely hours of waiting. It is a job that requires skill in using the bait, lures, and nets. It requires discernment and common sense in knowing where the fish are. Being a fisherman also involves persistence that does not get discouraged easily. They are also required to remain quiet to avoid disturbances and stay out of sight.

All these skills are needed to serve Christ as we imitate His character. The more we are like Him, the more successful we are winning others to Him. Our responsibility is to follow Him, and He will take care of the rest. Jesus calls fisher of people to share the news about Him with others. Because faith comes from hearing the good news, how can people hear the good news without someone telling them about Christ (Romans 10:17)? That is the best part of being a fisherman or woman for Christ.

Prayer of the day:

Dear heavenly Father,

You picked us to be a fisherman for people. It is a job that honors You. We can go out and tell others about what Jesus has done. As a result, they will hear the good news and become a follower of Christ. He is worthy to be praised because He died so we can have eternal life in heaven with You. Thank you for allowing us to be fishermen for people so they can hear the good news and be saved. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen!