Are Our Actions Out of Love or Obligation?

“Each of you should give as you have decided in your heart to give. You should not be sad when you give, and you should not give because you feel forced to give. God loves the person who gives happily.”- 2 Corinthians 9:7

Should we do things out of love or obligation? This is a serious question that we need to ask each time we decide to do something for God or for other Christians.

According to 2 Corinthians 9:7, God loves a happy giver. He does not want us to give money, our time, or anything else out of obligation. Especially if our attitude is, “I guess if I have to” or, “I know if I give money then God will bless me with even more than what I gave.” It is possible to give and yet not be happy about it. He knows our hearts. We cannot fool Him if we give out of obligation or with selfish intent.

When we do things out of obligation then we tend to give for all the wrong reasons. We can be tempted to give out of peer pressure, to avoid being embarrassed, or to avoid hurting other people’s feelings. It is easy to be influenced to give when pressured but this kind of giving is not love.

When we give, it should not be with the intent to get anything in return because we are doing what God commands us to do. In addition, God does not really need anything from us. He does not need our time, our money, or our worship.

We should give out of sincere love for God. We want to give to God and to others out of appreciation for what He has done for us. God saved us from eternal punishment, He provides everything we need, and shows His mercy to us all the time. He deserves our best in everything we do even when it comes to giving.

Prayer of the day:

Dear heavenly Father,

You are the author of love. We love others because You first loved us. Thank you for showing love in a way that is not out of obligation. Jesus freely gave His life for us so we can be in heaven with You. Please guide and direct us to do the right things that please You. Give us the opportunity to give to You and to others without being pressured into giving in a grudging way. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen!