A Christian’s Rights

The Bible prohibits us from doing ungodly things like lying, cheating and stealing. We cannot take something that is not ours because it would be stealing. There are even laws that limit our ability of free speech. Someone cannot go and yell “fire” if there is no fire. If they do, then they would be arrested and put in jail. How about if someone threatens to harm another? Are there consequences for the person who threatens another? The answer is yes, they would likely be put in jail. We cannot get away with sin without consequences (Romans 6:23).
The laws and rules that the government enforces were established by God (Romans 13:1-3). The laws and rules prohibit people from doing certain things and if they disobey them, they will suffer the consequences of their actions. God is holy and being a holy God, He will not let people get away with sin (Romans 7:12). We have to obey His laws and rules like we do with the government, our parents, or any rules of places we go to like a college campus or a public school. The only reason to not obey the rules and laws of others is if they go against the authority of God’s word that is in the Bible.
As Christians, we have some rights but not the right to do what we want at any time or place. We have the full right to worship God, study His word and stand up for the gospel (Romans 12:1). We have limited rights over our bodies and how we are supposed to act. First Corinthians 6:9-10 lists certain things we have no right to do with our bodies. It includes “sexual sin, worship idols, take part in adultery, those who are male prostitutes, or men who have sexual relations with other men, those who steal, are greedy, get drunk, lie about others, or rob” (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).
God put these rules in place for many good reasons. They are there to help us live a holy, and righteous life and to remain in fellowship with God. When we live according to His ways, it shows others the goodness of God and His character. We as Christians can be a light for others in a world full of sinners and sin. We may be the only one someone will meet who will reflect the glory of God.
We can see that we do not have full rights to do what we want with our bodies. This is because the Holy Spirit is in a person of God (John 14:17). His people are where the Holy Spirit dwells (1 Corinthians 3:16). As a result, the human body is called the Temple of God (1 Corinthians 3:17). Our bodies belong to God; therefore, we have to be careful about what we do since what we do shows others that we are God's holy people!